
In reverse chronological order:

  • Identify Misinformation/Fake news from social media
    • Research in Deep Learning and NLP approach to identify fake news and rumour
    • Collect fake news data in Singapore, crawl and annotate rumour/non-rumour data gleaned from social media (Twitter, Facebook, Forums)
    • Work in progress
  • Topic modelling for scientific authors | [code]
    • Researched in topic model using Latent Dirichlet Allocation. Extended LDA for a hierarchical collection of documents. Achieved good results with Author-Topic Model
    • Built a ranking system to assign relevant reviewers to papers and automatically nominate reviewers during review process
    • Advisor: Prof Bryan Low
  • Financial Reporting using Machine Learning
    • Applied ML methods on financial transaction data. Solution using Neural Network and Decision Tree.
    • Enhanced interpretability of ML system by displaying Decision Tree result. Certain level of pruning was done to make the tree more readable
    • Replace hand-coded rules with >95% accuracy
  • Enhance Customer Churn prediction through Semi-Supervised Learning | [code]
    • Modeled customer and their calls as one big graph, with edge weights as a function of calls and text activities
    • Researched on Label Propagation to propagate labeled nodes (already churned customers) to unlabeled nodes in a graph. Churned customers might influence their friends in the network to churn
    • Used Label Propagation score as a feature to train churn classifier. Winner classifier is Logistic Regression with accuracy of 96.9% accuracy
    • Designed an architecture to train the data in a distributed manner using MapReduce, speeding up training time
    • Advisor: Prof Ng Wee Keong
  • Prediction of genetic sequence mutation using Neural Network | [code]
    • Implemented Recurrent Neural Network to train and predict how genetic sequence mutates under influence of HIV-1 drugs. Used one-hot encoding to encode 4 proteins (T, G, A, C) and LSTM to process the sequence. Correctly predicted positions of mutation and corresponding types up to 90%
    • Researched and experimented alternative approach using Game Theory and Cellular Automata
    • Advisor: Dr Samuel Gan, Dr Su Tran To Chinh
  • Privacy-preserving in Outsourced Database | [code: ElGamal, Paillier]
    • Implemented ElGamal and Paillier Homomorphic Cryptosystems to encode plaintext SQL queries and retrieve result from encrypted database
    • Built different handlings for different types of queries (AND, OR, and aggregate functions)
    • Advisor: Prof Ng Wee Keong, Dr Vasily Sidorov
  • Preserving Data Integrity in Cloud Storage | Technical Report
    • Researched on a tree-based hashing function to detect changes in files. Idea: File is split into blocks, and forms leaves of a B-tree. Root of the tree is hashed in a bottom-up manner, becoming signature of the file. Signature is computed regularly on the third-party storage site and sent to a server for integrity checks
    • Implemented a working solution for the generation of signature and server check. Confirmed the runtime complexity of calculating signature is less than O(n)
    • Work is selected to present at International Conference of Undergraduate Research 2015
    • Advisor: Prof Ng Wee Keong