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Multi-armed Bandits Algorithms

7 minute read


In recommendations setting, one would occasionally come across multi-armed bandits algorithm mentioned as a method to serve recommended content. In this article, I will go over what bandit algorithms mean, what the popular algorithms are, as well as how multi-armed bandits are used in recommendations.

computer vision

A Deep Dive into Latent Diffusion model - Stable Diffusion

13 minute read


AI image generation is one of the notable AI advances recently. The ability to create striking visuals from text descriptions has a magical quality to it and points clearly to a shift in how humans create art. The release of Stable Diffusion is a clear milestone in this development because it made a high-performance model available to the masses (performance in terms of image quality, as well as speed and relatively low resource/memory requirements).

deep learning

image generation

A Deep Dive into Latent Diffusion model - Stable Diffusion

13 minute read


AI image generation is one of the notable AI advances recently. The ability to create striking visuals from text descriptions has a magical quality to it and points clearly to a shift in how humans create art. The release of Stable Diffusion is a clear milestone in this development because it made a high-performance model available to the masses (performance in terms of image quality, as well as speed and relatively low resource/memory requirements).

paper reading

A Deep Dive into Latent Diffusion model - Stable Diffusion

13 minute read


AI image generation is one of the notable AI advances recently. The ability to create striking visuals from text descriptions has a magical quality to it and points clearly to a shift in how humans create art. The release of Stable Diffusion is a clear milestone in this development because it made a high-performance model available to the masses (performance in terms of image quality, as well as speed and relatively low resource/memory requirements).


Insights into Twitter Recommendation System

11 minute read


In this article, I will go into insights about the recommendation systems at Twitter, particularly the components that power tweet and account recommendations.

recommendation system

Insights into Twitter Recommendation System

11 minute read


In this article, I will go into insights about the recommendation systems at Twitter, particularly the components that power tweet and account recommendations.

recommendation systems

Multi-armed Bandits Algorithms

7 minute read


In recommendations setting, one would occasionally come across multi-armed bandits algorithm mentioned as a method to serve recommended content. In this article, I will go over what bandit algorithms mean, what the popular algorithms are, as well as how multi-armed bandits are used in recommendations.